Saints Praise & Glorification
- Saint Mary the Holy Virgin Glorification [ PPSX | PDF ]
- Saint Mary's Fast Hymns [ PPSX | PDF ]
- Archangel Michael [ PPSX ]
- Saints Abakir and John [ PPSX ]
- Saint Abanoub [ PPSX ]
- Saint Anba Abraam the Bishop of Fayoum [ PPSX ]
- Saint Anthony the Great [ PPSX ]
- Saint Athanasius the Apostolic [ PPSX ]
- Saint Bashnouna the Monk and Martyr [ PPSX ]
- Saint (Father) Bishoy Kamel [ PPSX ]
- Saints Cosmas (Kozman) and Demian [ PPSX ]
- Saint Cyril (Pope Kyrollos) the 6th [ PPSX ]
- Saint Cyril the Pillar of Faith [ PPSX ]
- Saint Demiana the Bride of Christ [ PPSX ]
- Saint George of Alexandria [ PPSX ]
- Saint George the Prince of Martyrs [ PPSX ]
- Saint John the Evangelist [ PPSX ]
- Saint Joseph the Carpenter [ PDF ]
- Saint Macarius the Great [ PPSX ]
- Saint Marina the Ascetic [ PPSX ]
- Saint Mark the Apostle [ PPSX ]
- Saint (Philopateer) Mercurius [ PPSX ]
- Saint Mina [ PPSX ]
- Saint Moses the Strong [ PDF | PPSX]
- Saint Pachomius the Father of Cenobitic Life [ PPSX ]
- Saint Paul the Anchorite [ PPSX | PDF ]
- Saint Peter the Seal of Martyrs [ PPSX | PDF ]
- Saint Rebecca and her Children [ PPSX ]
- Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite [ PPSX ]
- Saint Sidhom Beshay and Father Mikhail Ibrahim [ PPSX ]
- Saint Stephen the Archdeacon [ PPSX ]
- Saint Theodore the Prince of Shoteb [ PDF ]
- The Martyrs of Fayoum [ PPSX ]
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